Shoulder orthosis (orthopedic immobilization) / immobilisation / flexible 72-7030 / 72-7032 / 72-7034 Corflex

Shoulder orthosis (orthopedic immobilization) / immobilisation / flexible 72-7030 / 72-7032 / 72-7034 Corflex
72-7030 / 72-7032 / 72-7034

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The COREFLEX Cryotherm Shoulder Wrap features contoured pockets for reusable gel packs when the benefits of cold/hot therapy is indicated. This wrap is especially useful for post-op recovery, and is also ideal for use in treating arthritis in the shoulder, or in conjunction with a physical therapy or rehabilitation program. It is constructed of foam laminate and features contact closures.
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669 E Industrial Park Dr,
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