Scoop stretcher / transport / transfer 170 Kg | Spencer SX Spencer Italia

Scoop stretcher / transport / transfer 170 Kg | Spencer SX Spencer Italia
170 Kg | Spencer SX

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The Spencer SX is an innovative stretcher that provides scopp action with the help of two longitudinal edges, which make it possible to fit the stretcher under the patient without moving them. The scoop stretcher constructed with robust material that cater to certain needs such as mechanical resistance, lightness, durability and reliability. The stretcher is designed to lift, transport or transfer patients with ease and its silhouette has been analyzed to improve the insert below the patients body and simultaneously stabilize when transporting or transferring. The scoop stretcher ships with three fixation belts combined with a quick release buckle.
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Strada Cavi, 7
Collecchio (PR)
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