Rescue stretcher trolley / removable platform / pneumatic / 2-section 160 kg | Ella Self Spencer Italia

Rescue stretcher trolley / removable platform / pneumatic / 2-section 160 kg | Ella Self Spencer Italia
160 kg | Ella Self

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The Ella Self roll-in stretchers provide high-level assistance while carrying patients. It is now widely used in labs and hospitals. With its simple mechanism, intelligent design and clever technology, it works to its optimal level even without regular maintenance. The safety mechanism of this product is beyond par making it highly reliable when it comes to quick loading and transporting. It is extremely handy, lightweight, highly resistant and is fitted with polychromes, an indispensible instrument that promotes the safety of the product. The product is available in varnished blue and hand-polished steel.
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Strada Cavi, 7
Collecchio (PR)
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