Reporting software / analysis / medical / for functional MRI nordicBrainEx NordicNeuroLab

Reporting software / analysis / medical / for functional MRI nordicBrainEx NordicNeuroLab

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nordicBrainEx allow the user to easily and effectively generate BOLD and DTI maps overlayed on structural images - Intuitive interface guides the user through the process of loading and analyzing BOLD, DTI, and structural datasets - State-of-the art 2D/3D visualization of white matter tracts together with BOLD fMRI activations on various underlay volumes - Analyzed data can be exported to neuronavigation systems or to PACS - Generation of exam report - Works with image data acquired on scanners from all major vendors - Runs on standard PC or laptop, no special hardware required nordicBrainEx BOLD analysis includes the basic pre-processing steps, voxel-based statistical analysis based on the General Linear Model, and visualization of statistical parametric maps. Additionally, nordicBrainEx BOLD analysis offers specific data processing algorithms for all standardized paradigms available with nordicAktiva. nordicBrainEx DTI analysis includes a novel feature of reconstructing axonal tracts in the central nervous system. The technique commonly referred to as "fiber tracking" extends the capabilities of DTI and allows for the non-invasive study of the three-dimensional architecture of white matter tracts.
  • Application domain:for functional MRI, medical
  • Function:reporting, analysis