Radiation protective clothing / radiation protection blanket RP689 MAVIG

Radiation protective clothing / radiation protection blanket RP689 MAVIG

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A must in all radiology practices – the versatile MAVIG patient shield: Application without limits Simple handling You define the format Individual cutting possible MAVIG patient shields are according to DIN EN 61331-3 (IEC 61331-3). Materials: Lead rubber multi-ply material Lead equivalent Pb 0.50 mm or 1.00 mm Outer cover ComforTex HPMF, all-round binding with special tape Can be supplied with velcro fasterns Sizes: Standard widths are 60 cm and 90 cm, you definde the length needed Of course other formats are also possible Lead equivalent (Pb): 0.50 mm or 1.00 mm
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:13:"Garment type:";s:3:"val";s:28:"radiation protection blanket";}}
Stahlgruberring 5,
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