Portable ultrasound system / for ophthalmic ultrasound imaging SW-2000/SW-2100 Tianjin Suowei Electronic Technology

Portable ultrasound system / for ophthalmic ultrasound imaging SW-2000/SW-2100 Tianjin Suowei Electronic Technology

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B scan Frequency: 10MHz/20MHz (optional) ,Magnetic driven, noiseless Scanning Mode: Sector Scanning Magnify?Multi continuous magnification,Real-Time magnification Resolution: Lateral ?0.3mm?Vertical?0.2mm Geometry position precision: Lateral ?10%?Vertical?5% Depth:60mm Enhance the part of vitreous body and retina Gain of probe?30dB-105dB Scanning Angle:53° Gray Scale: 256 False Color: Multi colors. OCT measurement type: multigroup distances, perimeters and areas Image postprocessing: multiple curves processing, Pseudo-color processing curve Movies: 100 images movie review, AVI JPG format image output A scan: Frequency:10MHz, with LED Depth: 40mm Precision:±0.05 mm Measurement: Anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, vitreous body length, total length and average Eye mode: Phakic / Aphakic / Dense / Various IOL IOL Formula: SRK-II, SRK-T, HOFFER-Q, HOLLADAY,BINKHORST-II, HAIGIS Stat. Calculation: Average and standard deviation S
  • Type of imagery:for ophthalmic ultrasound imaging
  • Ergonomics:portable

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