Pneumatic nebulizer / with compressor 0.2 mL/min | FoggyJet HEYER Medical

Pneumatic nebulizer / with compressor 0.2 mL/min | FoggyJet HEYER Medical
0.2 mL/min | FoggyJet

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The HEYER FoggyJet is an ideal inhalation device for therapeutic and prophylactic treatment. HEYER FoggyJet provides quality treatment for the respiratory tract. The FoggyJet is extremely useful in treatment of various respiratory tract disorders such as asthma, bronchitis, bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis. The FoggyJet is cost-effective and flexible and nozzles both nebulize medications and administer aerosols. Tracheotomy cases and patients who have undergone larynx operations, can also be treated and humidified using the HEYER FoggyJet. The HEYER FoggyJet is very efficient and economical and sets new standard in safety. The FoggyJet is simple and fast to operate, it can be used as a fixed or as a free-standing unit. Top features of the FoggyJet are short inhalation time, high efficiency, easy maintenance, economical drug dosing, stable and safe even during prolonged usage, easy to disinfect, excellent price-performance ratio and compatibility with inhalation station HEYER FT51.
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Carl-Heyer-Str. 1-3,
56130 Bad Ems, Germany, Postfach 1345, 56120 Bad Ems
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