Pediatric backboard stretcher / plastic 30 Kg | Baby Go Spencer Italia

Pediatric backboard stretcher / plastic 30 Kg | Baby Go Spencer Italia
30 Kg | Baby Go

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This stabilization product for small children is essential for keeping a child protected. The Baby Go uses a system where the spine is set in a neutral position to encourage a healthy sense of air flow and with four different profiles to make it easier for the child to be placed on the board in accordance to its body size. This is about 3 kg in size and can handle up to 30 kg in weight. It can also work in conditions ranging from -20 to +60 degrees Celsius. The padding can work under the chest up to the base area of the spine in order to keep the child safe in the event of a serious injury where stabilization is required.
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Strada Cavi, 7
Collecchio (PR)
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