Patient transfer chair with adjustable backrest carryline mobil GREINER GmbH

Patient transfer chair with adjustable backrest carryline mobil GREINER GmbH
carryline mobil

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The CarryLine Mobil lounger has a low seat level and a calf rest with negative inclination that enables patients to get in and out comfortably. Built with a steel frame, the seat can be adjusted to 10-degrees to prevent patients from slipping out of position and relieves knee strain. It also has foldable armrests to ensure free access. The seat's backrest's anatomical design and side support can by adjusted synchronously with the leg rest either electronically or manually. It also comes with a rubber grip that can be detached. The top part of the backrest can also be folded.
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Riedbachstr. 5,
74385 Pleidelsheim, Germany, Postfach 20, 74383 Pleidelsheim
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