Orthopedic surgery (total knee prosthesis) ancillary kit NexGen®Complete Knee Solution MIS Quad-Sparing™ Zimmer

Orthopedic surgery (total knee prosthesis) ancillary kit NexGen®Complete Knee Solution MIS Quad-Sparing™ Zimmer
NexGen®Complete Knee Solution MIS Quad-Sparing™

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Product Description The NexGen Complete Knee Solution MIS Quad-Sparing Instruments are designed to help the surgeon re-establish normal lower bone extremity alignment while ensuring implant fixation, and adequate soft tissue balancing and stability. The NexGen Complete Knee Solution MIS Quad-Sparing Instruments combine optimal alignment accuracy with an innovative technique that helps avoid any muscle disruption, tendon dissection, or patellar dislocation. The MIS Quad-Sparing Instrumentation is designed to: Facilitate a smaller incision technique, thereby reducing tissue trauma and improving early return of range of motion Approach bone resection from the medial or lateral side Allow adjustment and control of alignment prior to performing any bone cuts Shorten length of hospital stay; with appropriate peri-operative management, some patients can go home the day of surgery
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1900 Aston Ave,
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