Mobile dental delivery system / veterinary HIGHDENT INTRO Dispomed

Mobile dental delivery system / veterinary HIGHDENT INTRO Dispomed

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Veterinary Dental Delivery Unit Made in Canada by Dispomed ltd. What makes Highdent Unique Low risk of breakage and reduced risk of injury due to its recessed handpieces Low risk of leaks due to its innovative piping system configuration 5 year warranty on the machine and 2 years on Piezo Ergonomic Design: adjustable height Highdent dental machines include a muffler to reduce noise from the hand pieces Unique tabletop design for instruments Available in 110 or 220 volts Included with the Highdent Intro veterinary dental unit Air/Water Syringe Piezo Scaler 3 scaling tips (no1, no2, no10P) autoclavable White and grey dental delivery machine
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