Mesotherapy unit (physiotherapy) Infusion™ Viora

Mesotherapy unit (physiotherapy) Infusion™ Viora

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The InfusionTM Electro-mesotherapy pain-free device is used without needles to keep the trans-dermal deliver of different items easy and safe to manage. This is ideal for mesotherapy needs without playing anyone at certain risks. This uses many applications and can work with many anti-wrinkle and aging control. It hydrates the skin, promotes the development of collagen, firms the skin, tones different parts of the body and reduces cellulite in those tricky spots around the body. It also reduces stretch marks. The Ionwave technology setup uses no needles and is paired with a sensible design. It's also light in weight and totally portable. This is made with all sorts of treatments in mind and can be used in addition to any other physical treatments that may be used to enhance one's body. It may even work for some exfoliation and peeling treatments.
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