Medical record trolley / vertical-access MR300, MR310, MR320, MR330 Bristol Maid Hospital Metalcraft

Medical record trolley / vertical-access MR300, MR310, MR320, MR330 Bristol Maid Hospital Metalcraft
MR300, MR310, MR320, MR330

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Medical Records Trolleys - Medium, 695mm Capacity FEATURES Available with either (model dependant): Open sides, lift up flap and lower shelves Locking and lower shelves Open sides, lift up flap and X-Ray pigeon Hole Locking and X-Ray pigeon hole Maximum load for work flap 2.0kg Document rack with two storage pockets fitted to end or side of trolley 100mm swivel castors Filing pockets not included, please order separately Filing pockets compatibility CF/F/PK10* - MR300, MR310, MR320, MR330 CF/X/PK10* - MR300, MR310, MR320 CF/XF/PK10* - MR300, MR310, MR320 *695mm Capacity STANDARD COLOURS Paint - Spearmint/Grey Laminate - Spearmint Edging - Grey ABS
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Blandford Heights,
Blandford Forum
DT11 7TG
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