Medical computer workstation / nuclear medicine IMAGYS® KEOSYS

Medical computer workstation / nuclear medicine IMAGYS® KEOSYS

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Within the Imagys-Cloud Services for Medical Imaging solutions, the Imagys Workstation represents both an ergonomic multimodalities diagnostic workstation and a simple access terminal to these share and diffusion web services. Fuse, visualize and compare your 3D hybrid imaging exams in a simple way with an intuitive and efficient tool. Simplify your 3D fused images process : in one click, you can compare your imaging data in order to ease the clinical followup of your patients. Make homogeneous your exams visualization, whatever in nuclear medicine (PET, SPECT, PET/CT, SPECT/CT, PET/MR) or in radiology (CT, CR, MG, MR, US, CT/CT, MR/MR) thanks to the 3D–Fusion Keosys viewer versatility. Get an easy access to the services of the IMAGYS-Cloud Services for Medical Imaging. Volumic exams - MPR and 3D MIP reconstruction, triangulation on the three projections and the MIP, continued scrolling by the triangulation axis, - Display in comparative mode. Linking the series, display of reference lines for CT and MR, - Slices thickness can be configured continuously - Setup of windowing adapted according to modality (MR/CT/PET/SPECT/NM) with coloured LUT specific to nuclear medicine, presets for CT, Display of SUVbw, SUVbsa, SUVbm and glycemia correction. SUV 2D and 3D, 2D and 3D Hounsfield values.
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Saint-Herblain Cedex