Laser fluorescence carie detector Facelight W&H Dentalwerk International

Laser fluorescence carie detector Facelight W&H Dentalwerk International

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The Facelight Probe: Detection Meets Innovation The Facelight probe simplifies bacteria detection during caries excavation due to its innovative FACE--Fluorescence Aided Caries Excavation--method. This method works by detecting any region infected with bacteria from metabolic products in the caries area. The facelight pin-points the infected region by showing a red light that indicates the areas in need for caries excavation. The Features and Advantages of Facelight Includes: The device consists of a base body, a battery, a light rod, a charging station and diagnostic goggles for viewing infected areas It supports selective and difficult invasive excavations It drastically reduces the possibility of caries returning to excavated areas It is highly efficient and safe for use
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:21:"Other characteristic:";s:3:"val";s:18:"laser fluorescence";}}
Ignaz-Glaser-Strasse 53,
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