Knee orthosis (orthopedic immobilization) / patella stabilisation 1104X / 1105X / 0707X / 0708X Breg

Knee orthosis (orthopedic immobilization) / patella stabilisation 1104X / 1105X / 0707X / 0708X Breg
1104X / 1105X / 0707X / 0708X

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The Lateral Stabilizer Soft Knee Brace provides a sturdy oblique, tubular brace specially designed for various patelloremoral usage such as lateral patella subluxation, chronic patellar maltracking, and mild chondromalacia. Its inconspicuous design allows for patient mobility and comfort, while its J-shaped buttress offers oblique stabilization of the patella bone. To provide further confinement of the problem area it features two kinds of straps: inferior and superior.
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2885 Loker Avenue East,
CA 92010
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