Knee orthosis (orthopedic immobilization) / knee ligaments stabilisation / articulated LPR Breg

Knee orthosis (orthopedic immobilization) / knee ligaments stabilisation / articulated LPR Breg

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The LPR ligament knee brace from Breg emerges as a leader by offerin an innovative solution for knee support and stabilization. The brace is innovately crafted of high grade, aerospace aluminum and shaped to offers the perfect support and stiffness for ligament stabilization. The LPR is one of the lightest available knee braces. As the diagonal strapping opens up the popliteal space offering a complete range of motion for various activities. The LPR Ligament Protection Redefined offers offers a combination of ligamentous support and patient comfort. The device comes in dark grey, displayed custom color red.
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2885 Loker Avenue East,
CA 92010
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