Knee orthosis (orthopedic immobilization) / knee distraction (osteoarthritis) / articulated Fusion Lateral OA Plus Breg

Knee orthosis (orthopedic immobilization) / knee distraction (osteoarthritis) / articulated Fusion Lateral OA Plus Breg
Fusion Lateral OA Plus

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The Fusion Lateral OA knee brace is designed to provide relief and lateral off-loading for unicompartmental osteoarthritis patients. It comes with a thumbwheel dial and incorporates an offset gauge that displays the amount of load that is being applied in half-millimeter increments in a manner that is easy to read. This brace comes with PivotPoint straps that are meant to provide ultimate comfort during motion. The straps and pads are cushioned to add to the comfort. It also has ProForm technology that helps guarantee a contoured fit and maximum protection.
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2885 Loker Avenue East,
CA 92010
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