Infusion pump control unit MRidium 3865 IRADIMED CORPORATION

Infusion pump control unit MRidium 3865 IRADIMED CORPORATION
MRidium 3865

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You can monitor and control the MRidium MRI Infusion Pump Model 3860 remotely with this MRidium Wireless Remote display and control. The pump can be monitored with two channels, Pump and Side Car, from the control room for the MR scanner. The remote has the same interface as the infusion pump, and with it you can adjust all rates, pump parameters, starts, stops, titration, volume infusion, and resetting alarms. It has a 10-digit keypad and large, easy-to-read display that shows the complete pump information in the control room at your desktop. The remote is easy to install as it uses a wireless link of 2.4GHz without any image artifacts. The wireless remote will also charge a backup or spare 1133 battery pack since it can double as a battery charger.
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7457 Aloma Ave Suite 201,
Winter Park
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