Indirect ophthalmoscope (ophthalmic examination) / headband HEINE OMEGA 500® Heine

Indirect ophthalmoscope (ophthalmic examination) / headband HEINE OMEGA 500® Heine

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HEINE OMEGA® 500 is an indirect ophthalmoscope can be visible with two eyes at a same time. The product has able to achieve a high standard of performance and reliability with its XHL Xenon-Halogen-Technology and rendering of color perfectly. The Convergence and Parallax are adjustable in synchronized form which helps in providing stereoscopic fundus images by any size of pupil. The illumination optics and the accurate observation provided by the product support the visibility of small pupils down to 1.0mm. The multi-coated illumination system of the product offers outstanding optical performance. The reflection minimizes with the help of accurate alignment of the illumination vertically with observation path. The product comes with dustproof. It is a strong and long lasting device and the optics are mounted on aluminum chassis. The XHL Xenon-Halogen illumination and the Led illumination is controlled by the HC 50 l Headband Rheostat which is designed with latest technology.
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Arzbacher Str. 80,
56130 Bad Ems
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