Human external fixation system / hip CROMUS BAUMER

Human external fixation system / hip CROMUS BAUMER

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Indication: Articular rigidity, Condrolysis, Legg - Calve - Perthes disease, others necrosis of femoral head. Features: - Self-Tapping conical pins ø5,0 - ø6,0mm x 180mm (8 parts). - Adjustment of 30,0mm to compression and distraction. - Kit includes wrenchs. Advantages and Benefits: - External Engine distraction for setting reduction and bone lengthening. - Platform allowing anatomical proximal joint in 90 ° and use of three taper pins. - Ideal for artrodiastase to be monolateral and dynamic.
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Av. Arnolfo de Azevedo, 210 Pacaembu,
01236-000 São Paulo - SP
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