SPINAL NEEDLE : Color coded, with stylet
Sizes: 27Gauge, 127mm Pencil Point
EPIDURAL NEEDLE : Madeof special processed stainless steel, with maximum resistance andstiffness. Tuohy type needle cannula is marked with a thin line atevery 1 cm distance and bold line at every 5 cm distance. Top notch andarrow mark on the hub show direction of the needle point. The specialgrinding of the needle bevel provides comfortable and controlledinsertion. Can be manufactured at required length.
Sizes: 16 Gauge, 18 Gauge
FLAT FILTER : Thefilter is marked with an arrow indicating direction of infusion. Itis resistant to 8 bar pressure and specially designed to fit on thefixing device.
LOSS OF RESISTANCE SYRINGE : Latex-free, suitable for air and saline applications.
RADIOPAQUE CATHETER :3 lateral holes at 20mm distance from tip of catheter. Marked beginningfrom the tip with 1 ring at 1st cm, 2 rings at 10th cm, 3 rings at 15thcm, 4 rings at 20th cm, 5 rings at 25th cm. Radiopaque. Catheter doesnot perforate dura matter.
FILTER FIXING DEVICE: Providesoperator with reliance, safety and convenience during application ofepidural filter. Hypoallergenic. The adhesive ped is applied at thenecessary area and filter is fixed on the ped. The filter can circle onits own axis and is safe for protecting the catheter against patientreactions.