Hospital door / laboratory / swinging / automatic Wardray Premise

Hospital door / laboratory / swinging / automatic Wardray Premise
Wardray Premise

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Based on over 70 years experience we have designed, manufactured and successfully installed a vast number of these power operated doorsets worldwide. In many instances the shielding is also extended to walls, ceilings and floors. Installations have been completed for numerous high energy medical diagnostic and treatment rooms Similar designs have also been used on many industrial sites where the facilities involve Non-Destructive Testing. This total shielding package can include a complete survey by our Radiation Protection Advisor to calculate the necessary lead thickness for each individual site. This will be based on local site conditions and working practices to ensure maximum safety in the most cost effective manner. Currently, the record for the maximum lead thickness for a door installation is 240mm! The construction techniques are different from those used in standard diagnostic applications. As always special attention is paid to the integrity of the overall shielding to the structural opening. Lead lined door frames or linings are fitted within the door openings with particular attention to shielding across the door threshold. This takes into consideration the need for easy trolley access and cleaning, particularly in medical applications.
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Hampton Court Estate Summer Road,
KT7 0SP Thames Ditton, Surrey
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