Homecare ventilator / APAP / CPAP / with touch screen prisma20A Weinmann

Homecare ventilator / APAP / CPAP / with touch screen prisma20A Weinmann

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With assistance from Forced Oscillation Technique (FOT), prisma20A reliably distinguishes between obstructive and central apnea. In response to events, the APAP therapy device automatically and continuously adjusts pressure exactly to the needs of your patients. Because the CPAP and APAP modes can be combined with the gentle pressure relief softPAP, prisma20A offers a high degree of therapy flexibility and comfort. Major features of prisma20A: Reliable technology (FOT) distinguishes obstructive sleep apnea from central sleep apnea With pressure relief softPAP High resolution therapy data for 14 days and detailed statistics for 365 days Improved compliance, thanks to comfort functions such as softSTART, autoSTART-STOP and therapy feedback Integrated tube heating prevents condensation in tube and mask
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Kronsaalsweg 40,
Hamburg, Postfach
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