Healthcare facility chest of drawers Long Beach Kwalu

Healthcare facility chest of drawers Long Beach Kwalu
Long Beach

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The Long Beach dresser by Kwalu is designed with senior living and healthcare facilities in mind. Its two tones style allows it to easily match and blend in with other decor. It has chambered side frames and a front overlay design that is similar to the look of a surfboard, which is where it got the name Long Beach. The legs are stylish, but also easy to clean. This dresser comes with a scuff, scratch, and water resistant finish with antimicrobial product protection throughout the entire product. There is a ten year performance warranty on the construction and finish. The drawers are raised, so it will be easy to clean underneath. The gently curved, extended top provides additional space. This product can be ordered with locks, heavy duty castors, and contrasting edgebanding. The total size of the dresser is 48.5 inches wide and 30 inches tall.
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