Grinding unit polishing for dental laboratory lathe 75D-FC Handler MFG. Co., Inc.- Red Wing Int'l

Grinding unit polishing for dental laboratory lathe 75D-FC Handler MFG. Co., Inc.- Red Wing Int'l

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This unit is identical to the 75D polishing unit, EXCEPT that it is WITHOUT a polishing motor. If the technician has a comparable polishing motor, it may be mounted onto the work surface of the 75D-0. Two ever-brite aluminum polishing hoods with pumice insert pans and safety shields are mounted to the table top. As with the 75D, collected dusts and debris are shaken from the filter bags and into a lower cabinet tray for collection and disposal into a waste container. Suction Motor - 3/4 HP, 115 Volts/60Hz. Suction Capacity - 600 CFM (cubic feet/minute) [283m3/min.] Filter Area - 62 sq. Ft., 24 shakeable Cloth Filter Bags. Cleaning - External foot shaker, internal cabinet dust tray. Shipping Wgt.: 325 lbs [147.4 Kg] Unit Dimensions: 56in high x 32in wide x 24in deep. Work surface 40in to table top [142cm x 81cm x 61cm]
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612 North Ave E,
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