Epicondylitis strap (orthopedic immobilization) 88-3033 / 88-3034 / 88-3035 / 88-3036 / 88-3037 Corflex

Epicondylitis strap (orthopedic immobilization) 88-3033 / 88-3034 / 88-3035 / 88-3036 / 88-3037 Corflex
88-3033 / 88-3034 / 88-3035 / 88-3036 / 88-3037

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The product is indicated for the treatment of lateral or medial epicondylitis. It features neoprene pad with a circumferential strap for additional compression over damaged tendons and is made from latex-free neoprene.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:5:"Type:";s:3:"val";s:19:"epicondylitis strap";}}
669 E Industrial Park Dr,
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