Electric wheelchair / interior / exterior Puma 40 Handicare

Electric wheelchair / interior / exterior Puma 40 Handicare
Puma 40

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Puma 40 has set a bench mark to go ahead. It is designed with Good Industrial Design (GIO) logo. With Puma 40, one can be himself. It combines performance with comfort and style. There for it has become a prize-winning product in setting a latest standard for rigorous utilization indoors and outdoors. Users can enjoy wonderful driving with utmost liberty and it interprets the user's own style. Usually, users want to move smoothly and comfortably through a power wheelchair. Puma 40 quench that needs by offering all advanced performances that gives ultimate independence to the users. Beside this, the device also focuses on the trendy look that fits users’ lifestyle. This is the cause of developing Puma 40.
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82 First Avenue Pensnett Estate,
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