Surgical aspirator working with network electricity to be used for aspiration of body liquids in operating theatre and hospitals, it has been developed to be easy to carry and to run continuously. Equipped with 4 antistatic wheels with 2 brakes Carrying telescopic handle ? highly heat resistant electrically insulated plastic material in conformity with the latest european safety standards 2 autoclavable polycarbonate jars with safety valve (overflow protection) Set of atoxic sterilizable silicone tubes ? 99% antibacterial hydrophobic filters Vacuum regulator with bar/psi vacuometer-automatic flow direction regulator to easily switch from a jar to the other, avoiding to manage contaminated parts. Models 6.2p; 6.4p; 9.2p; 9.4p are equipped with a foot-control switch to obtain an operating aspiration under remote control and enable the operator to keep hands free.
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