EEG patient monitor NeuroSENSE® NS-701 NeuroWave

EEG patient monitor NeuroSENSE® NS-701 NeuroWave
NeuroSENSE® NS-701

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This NeuroSense monitor represents the newest line of brain monitors for the customized patient sedation and anesthesia. It is ran by new processing and signal acquisitions. This is the first of bilateral brain monitors made for each of the brain hemispheres which then track effects of anesthetics of the brain and come back in line with the patient. The OR and ICU physicians work with no delay and work together, track the sedation/anesthesia of bilateral indexes of the activity of the brain. The bilateral indexes allow physicians to quickly notice the discrepancies of the hemispheres. Due to this reliability and insight, the patients brain helps the providers to maker proper decisions for patients care. This allows for free tracking of patient care.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:20:"Measured parameters:";s:3:"val";s:3:"EEG";}}

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