Disposable emergency immobilizer 755 Spencer Italia

Disposable emergency immobilizer 755 Spencer Italia

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This enhanced configuration is made of cell like polypropylene with 755 head immobilizer. This device is made of light and dense with plastic material which is specially structured for a single use. This 100 g (0.22 lbs) device is flexible of one size for the adult and children. Light and and user friendly device can acclimatizes any head or neck shape. With Long drawn out polyurethane foam this 755 head immobilizer is endowed with a strap designed for fascination to the spine board, specifically deliberate for rapid practice and safe control. This device significantly decreases patient’s terror and sense of claustrophobia. This attuned with the X-ray device and it is not essential to take it out for X-rays, CAT scan and MRI investigations.
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Strada Cavi, 7
Collecchio (PR)
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