Dirty linen trolley / 1-bag CB 10 - CB10P Francehopital

Dirty linen trolley / 1-bag CB 10 - CB10P Francehopital
CB 10 - CB10P

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The CB 10/CB 10P is a waste basket and laundry trolley with a stainless steel tubular structure. It comes with a nylon bag-holder with a fixing ring. The lid is made out of polypropylene, and is available in five colors: red, green, blue, yellow, and white. The fixing-bag system is easy to use and adjustable to every type of size and bag, ranging from textile to plastic. The trolley also features crush-proof pedal movements by nylon line. A pedal is available with the CB 10P model.
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Zona Industriale, 11,
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