Dial sphygmomanometer 0 - 300 mmHg | Viso Bumper Spencer Italia

Dial sphygmomanometer 0 - 300 mmHg | Viso Bumper Spencer Italia
0 - 300 mmHg | Viso Bumper

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An item designed to perform with excellence and provide the best service at the best possible rate. The Viso Bumper sphygmomanometer is a Swiss device, used on a daily basis for emergency purposes and in ambulances. It offers accurate reading and is completely trustworthy. The presence of shockproof thermoplastic rubber sphygmomanometer is competent enough to handle all the bumps and bangs and is totally unbreakable. The unbelievably strong ABS wall allows for friction-free rotation. The instrument can be personalized to suit customer needs so people can make use of this device optimally. The 10G version of the device is currently available for purchase.
Strada Cavi, 7
Collecchio (PR)
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