Dermatoscope with LED light / immersion 10x - 16x, -6 - 6 ? | HEINE DELTA® 20 Plus Heine

Dermatoscope with LED light / immersion 10x - 16x, -6 - 6 ? | HEINE DELTA® 20 Plus Heine
10x - 16x, -6 - 6 ? | HEINE DELTA® 20 Plus

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This machine completes dermatoscopic examination to diagnose malignant melanoma. It can also check non-melanocytic lesiosn, dermatofibroma and basal cell carcinoma. Placing an immersion liquid between the skin and the dermatoscope is necessary because the skin's surface reflects light when under the machine. Using polarized light is an alternative to the immersion liquid. The contact plates for the two methods are N and P, respectively. The choice between an immersion liquid and polarized light depends on which type of sample you are looking at. This machine contains four high performace LED lights. These lights create a superb color rendering.The high resolution achromatic lens system provides 10 x to 16x magnification and enables highly detailed images. The eyepiece is adjustable.
a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:22:"Other characteristics:";s:3:"val";s:9:"immersion";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:13:"Light source:";s:3:"val";s:14:"with LED light";}}
Arzbacher Str. 80,
56130 Bad Ems
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