Dental turbine / with LED light Anthos

Dental turbine / with LED light Anthos

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The Anthos turbines is a quiet device that only has a noise level of 57dB(A). This unique feature is not displayed in other conventional turbines on the market. The Anthos turbines are also designed for better durability and emits a minimal amount of vibration when being used. This means more comfort for both patient and health care provider. There are multiple integration possibilities with the device and can be integrated with a LED lighting or a stainless steel grip. The device is developed taking into consideration low-attrition and minimum-inertia ceramic ball bearings. This consideration adds to the overall durability and performance of the device. Stresses of daily dentistry and thermal/chemical aggression of modern autoclaves do not affect the Anthos turbines because there are factored into the design. Only the highest quality materials are used and a strict quality control process is used to assess suitability.
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