Dental laboratory vibrator CERAMOSONIC S Shofu Dental GmbH

Dental laboratory vibrator CERAMOSONIC S Shofu Dental GmbH

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Ultrasonic condensing unit for porcelain build-up The Ceramosonic S generates high-frequency vibrations thereby providing a directed condensation of moist porcelain particles. Compared to manual or mechanical condensation a considerably more homogenous structure in the porcelain material can be achieved by using the ultrasonic condensor. Indication Ultrasonic condensing of the moist porcelain build-up before firing nach oben Benefits better control during the construction phase and condensation of the porcelain material more brilliant colors by reduction of air inclusions identical thermal transmission of porcelain layers to the full-ceramic framework higher bonding strength on metal-ceramic and full-ceramic frameworks time saving by less shrinkage and fewer correction firings higher internal firmness of the porcelain layers