Dental autoclave / bench-top STERIMAT BMT Medical Technology

Dental autoclave / bench-top STERIMAT BMT Medical Technology

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STERIMAT, a steam sterilizer with a chamber volume of 20 liters, represents a completely new generation of small steam sterilizers that comply, without exception, with the requirements of standards (?SN EN 13060 for Class B) and operating staff. STERIMAT sterilizers are suitable for the sterilization of all instruments, materials, textile, rubber and plastics that are meant to be sterilized by steam when it comes to health services, veterinary clinics and laboratories. Thanks to how small they are, their top quality and wide range of use, STERIDENT units are suitable for use especially in the field of dentistry, where top quality, speed, reliability and the highest level of sterilization safety are required. A two microprocessor control system (Master-Slave) and double pressure and heat sensors make up a separate sterilization cycle control and record system and it thereby secures the highest possible safety, accurate regulation and short batch times. Its construction solution is subject to three patents and its design is protected by an industrial design (steam generation regulation patented system, unique hardware patented system, patented associated pump function).
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