Cuff-mounted sphygmomanometer 0 - 300 mmHg | sphygmotensiophone Rudolf Riester

Cuff-mounted sphygmomanometer 0 - 300 mmHg | sphygmotensiophone Rudolf Riester
0 - 300 mmHg | sphygmotensiophone

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Sphygmomanometer with two tubes offers extreme precision with refined functionality. The cuff holds a chromium plated pressure gauge in a clear field view. The metal cuff is of high quality and contains a finishing of fine artificial leather. The cuff can be pulled through a metal clip attached to it to carry out safe and accurate measurements. The entire set-up also comes in latex-free version. The wear-free pressure releasing valve can be handled with fine adjustments. The diaphragm offers a pressure-loading capacity up to 600g mmHg and is composed of extremely durable specially tempered copper-beryllium. Th device provides easy scale reading of Ø 49 mm from 0 to 300 mmHg with maximum +/- 3 mmHg error tolerance. A fine micrometer protects the entire instrument and the set comes in a padded and zippered nylon bag.
Bruckstr. 31,
72417 Jungingen
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