Binocular loupe lamp / LED HEINE® Heine

Binocular loupe lamp / LED HEINE® Heine

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HEINE LED Compacted LoupeLight ensures a shadow free illumination offering an ideal preference of the dental and ENT operations. The device is based on LED technology to produce homogeneous, high intensity bright white light with co-axial illumination. The compact light weight device contains Heine loupes which provide a perfect co-axial viewing. The device is comprised of aluminium housing which reduces the heat built-up and with advanced heat management. The device is designed to take care of the water-proof, provide easy cleaning, avoids premature hardening of composites, easy to make adjustments for angle views making it a comfortable piece. The optional yellow filter helps to reduce blue light.The precise multiple optical lens comprises of 4 high quality lenses for a complete homogeneous illuminated field view with a clear defined spot. The device device is capable of illuminating 40,000 Lux at a working distance of 250 mm colour temperature. It has got 6,250 Kelvin LED Operating Life with a high LED rated output of 50,000 hours.
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Arzbacher Str. 80,
56130 Bad Ems
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