Basket stretcher / plastic / 1-section 280 Kg | Alaska Spencer Italia

Basket stretcher / plastic / 1-section 280 Kg | Alaska Spencer Italia
280 Kg | Alaska

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Spencer always creates new pinnacles in developing unedited technical systems and contributes to the advancement of rescue operations, even in the most hostile settings. The Alaska ''anti-rolling basket'' demonstrates a new level of technological excellence and our capacity to gather the stimuli of an ever more innovative and technological market. Alaska ''anti-rolling basket'' is capable of reducing 40% on the rolling of the basket stretcher determined by wave motion. It is paramount to underline the great efficiency of this innovative system, which unites the considerable lessening of rolling with stability, favoring safer rescue operations, both for the victim and the operator. Features include:- Length: 2165 mm [85.23 in] Width: 635 mm [25 in] Width open: 1400 mm [55.11 in] Height: 190 mm [7.48 in] Load capacity: 280 kg [617] lbs Weight: 21 kg [46.29] lbs
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Strada Cavi, 7
Collecchio (PR)
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