Automatic blood pressure monitor / electronic / arm 40 - 260 mmHg, 35 - 240 bpm | ergodesk duo Ergoline

Automatic blood pressure monitor / electronic / arm 40 - 260 mmHg, 35 - 240 bpm | ergodesk duo Ergoline
40 - 260 mmHg, 35 - 240 bpm | ergodesk duo

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Ergoline's Ergodesk duo is a sophisticated device which is used for measuring the blood pressure and Oxygen saturation level of an individual. It provides medical personnel as well as private individuals with diverse functions and features that simplify these measurement procedures. The Ergodesk duo technology consists of; an oscillometric sphygmomanometer and a pulse oximeter while its physical build is made up of a device fitted with a display screen for showing measurement results and a finger tool, for a patient to insert his or her finger in order for a reading to be taken.
  • Measurement point:arm
  • Operation:automatic
Lindenstrasse 5,
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