Arm sling with shoulder abduction pillow / human Shot® 3 Breg

Arm sling with shoulder abduction pillow / human Shot® 3 Breg
Shot® 3

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SlingShot 3 Shoulder Brace It is used to decrease the risk of dislocation by limiting the range that the shoulder is able to move into. The SlingShot® 3 is a clinician-driven advancement in shoulder bracing. Its design provides better comfort for the patient recovering from surgery while providing multiple options of post-operative support. Examples of Common Use -Rotator cuff repairs -Bankart lesions -SLAP lesions -Glenohumeral dislocations / subluxation -Posterior/ Anterior capsule repairs -Total shoulder reconstructions -Global shoulder instability -Soft tissue repairs / strains
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2885 Loker Avenue East,
CA 92010
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