Arm sling with shoulder abduction pillow / human 018X0, 01855 Breg

Arm sling with shoulder abduction pillow / human 018X0, 01855 Breg
018X0, 01855

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Breg’s SlingShot Neutral Shoulder Brace is a breathable shoulder immobilizer which is designed with comfort in mind. Made of a moisture wicking fabric (Airmesh), this style sling is designed for use with either the right or left hand. It has an exercise ball and thumb rest to prevent the arm moving about as well as a neutral pillow with which to cushion the arm. Quick releasing straps for both shoulder and waist aid in remove or donning the device. This device is useful for Bankart or SLAP lesions, anterior dislocations or repairs, posterior capsule repairs or reconstructions of the entire shoulder.
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2885 Loker Avenue East,
CA 92010
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