Ankle splint (orthopedic immobilization) / inflatable KoolAir Breg

Ankle splint (orthopedic immobilization) / inflatable KoolAir Breg

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The KoolAir Ankle is a combination of foam and air that has a bladder and it can be inflated to a certain level of compression for the most maximum comfort. It offers the best in support and it produces graduated compression to offer the best in protection for the most injured or unstable of ankles. It offers 9" of support while the regular offers 10" of support. Some of the most common uses for the KoolAir Ankle is for ankle sprains, sub-acute sprains, and chronic ankle instabilities. It is best designed for supporting and protection of injured ankles that are unstable. It can be inflated to a desired level of compression and it offers the maximum in patient comfort.
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2885 Loker Avenue East,
CA 92010
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