Analysis software / reporting / for archiving / sharing Nextech

Analysis software / reporting / for archiving / sharing Nextech

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Complete Integration Built with the needs of Orthopaedic Surgeons in mind Nextech caters to Orthopaedic Surgeons by offering a first-class, fully-integrated approach to healthcare IT. Our robust, fully-compliant EMR and practice management systems are built to compliment practice workflows and improve patient care by allowing physicians the convenience of working from a single platform. Nextech can be completely personalized to the needs of each physician or used out of the box through value-adding modules based on the preference and workflow of the user. Continuous Innovation Innovative technology to advance Orthopaedic practices orthopaedics_EMR_Nextech Nextech offers healthcare professionals the best in HIT with its 100% U.S. based, in-house development team. Orthopaedic Surgeons benefit from Nextech’s continued commitment to innovation with services such as Transcription Parsing which dramatically reduces dictation time and allows physicians to import notes directly into patient records based on matching Patient IDs. Surgeons can also take advantage of Nextech’s Native iPad app which enables users to go room to room, charting patient visits with ease.
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5550 W Executive Dr Suite 350,
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