Veterinary CR screen phosphor screen scanner DIVARIO CR 125 VET | DIVARIO CR 145 VET OR Technology - Oehm und Rehbein

Veterinary CR screen phosphor screen scanner DIVARIO CR 125 VET | DIVARIO CR 145 VET OR Technology - Oehm und Rehbein

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The Divario CR 125 und CR 145 vet systems is specifically designed for making digital X-ray images for all types of patient volumes in human as well as veterinary medicine without hampering professional handling and image quality. The dicomPACS®DX-R software specifically permits easy and quick working. Main emphasis is given on maximum image quality and maximum versatility. The included professional image processing software adapts very quickly and conveniently to the vet's particular wishes or requirements for all X-ray examination. The user is not just bounded to “pre-set” standards. This feature gives the ideal image quality according to the vet's requirements.
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