USB medical mouse / disinfectable / washable DT-OM-FL IKEY

USB medical mouse / disinfectable / washable DT-OM-FL IKEY

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Key's innovative infection control solution, the AquaPoint™ optical mouse, offers the safety and convenience of a completely liquidproof pointing device. Constructed using the same materials that go into the popular SlimKey-MD™ family of medical keyboards, including an ABS polycarbonate case and an industrial silicone overlay, the AquaPoint™ can be disinfected using any hospital cleaning agent. It features a comfortable, ergonomic design, as well as the “click” feel of an office-grade mouse. Its optical technology allows the AquaPoint™ to function on nearly any surface, while its rugged silicone overlay, polycarbonate frame and solid-state engineering all ensure the AquaPoint™
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:22:"Other characteristics:";s:3:"val";s:28:"USB, washable, disinfectable";}}

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