Ultrasound system / on platform / for intravascular ultrasound imaging iLab™ Boston Scientific

Ultrasound system / on platform / for intravascular ultrasound imaging iLab™ Boston Scientific

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The Boston Scientific iLab Ultrasound Imaging System with its IVUS Monitor can be counted on to deliver excellent images. The iLab, designed for use in the cath lab procedure room, features multiple monitoring options. The iLab with its table side controller provides fully cross-sectional IVUS images as well as IVUS images in combination with LongView images. The user friendly interface, which includes a touch panel, could best be described as being intuitive to operate. Software features include image color, tint, and zoom capabilities, as well as the TraceAssist feature that is designed to improve detection of vessel and lumen borders. The system software allows static images to be animated, the result being an enhancement in image interpretations. Both the system hardware and software can be easily upgradable as new or improved features become available.
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One Boston Scientific Pl,
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