Treadmill with handrails Gait Trainer™ 3 BIODEX

Treadmill with handrails Gait Trainer™ 3 BIODEX
Gait Trainer™ 3

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The Biodex Gait Trainer™ 3 is more than a treadmill. It is designed with an instrumented deck that issues both audio and visual real-time biofeedback to prompt patients into their correct gait pattern. Step length, step speed and right-to-left time distribution (step symmetry) are directly addressed; patient footfall is compared to desired footfall step after step, both on the display in real time and documented in an easy to read histogram. The open-platform design enables the therapist to assist limb advancement when necessary and accommodates the Biodex Unweighing System for Body Weight Support Treadmill Training (BWSTT).Clinical Guidelines Unlike some of the flashy technology available on the market, the Biodex Gait Trainer is quiet, non-intimidating and lets the therapist get in there and treat their patients. The Biodex BWSTT environment does more than suspend the patient real goals are monitored and progress reported. Objective documentation, with comparison to age- and gender-based normative data, helps prove need and document outcomes to family, referring physicians and insurance providers. The Biodex Gait Trainer 3, with or without BWSTT, is suitable for all rehabilitation pathologies. Biodex has recently published Body Weight Support Treadmill Training (BWSTT) with Transition to Over Ground Ambultion: A Clinical Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Neurological Conditions using Biodex Unweighing System and Gait Trainer. The document classifies the neurologically involved patient, then steps the user through the various phases of recovery for profound, moderate and minimal neurological impairments.
  • Options and accessories:with handrails
20 Ramsey Road,
Shirley, New York
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