Transport cart / multi-function / pharmacy / modular Medicart 1500 & 1800 Belintra

Transport cart / multi-function / pharmacy / modular Medicart 1500 & 1800 Belintra
Medicart 1500 & 1800

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Medicart roller shutter 1500 & 1800 The high Medicart roller shutter has mainly been designed for use in the hospital’s pharmacy and to transport medication to and from the various departments. This Medicart is also the perfect solution when you need to distribute medication on larger units. As a means to store sterile and non-sterile products and medication, this particular Medicart is a mobile solution that can be used throughout the entire hospital. The Medicart with drawers is available in 2 standard configurations which can be shipped in 6 to 12 weeks lead time (B products). Of course we can also offer configurations tailored to your facility’s specific needs. Our distributor can compose the Medicart to fit your exact configuration required. These special configurations require +12 weeks lead time for shipment (C products). Accessories are not mounted onto the Medicarts when shipped. Your distributor’s or your own technical staff is responsible for mounting the accessories upon reception.
  • Applications:transport, multi-function, pharmacy
  • Structure:modular
Aalbroekstraat 3,
9890 Semmerzake
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